Saturday, August 22, 2009


Well, we just finished up another Saturday workday (every Sat. from 9-12). The weather was beautiful, and the company was amazing. We laughed all morning as we fought with difficult gardening equipment and tried to reclaim the beds from the weeds. Stephanie and Tim planted plum trees, which Stephanie named Benny and Joon. We also began to create a space for an herb garden. I am happy to report that in just ONE WEEK seedlings are popping out from the ground and they look beautiful. It really is amazing to plant a seed and watch as it takes on life in the garden. We need quite a few extra hands. In fact, we can barely keep up the garden with the number of active volunteers we have now. We still have sections of the plot that we haven't been able to clear due to lack of volunteers. Although, we are really excited because the kids got to visit the garden for the the first time. Hopefully the children of the Red Mountain School will really enjoy this space. Now that the seeds are in the ground, we need folks to come out throughout the week to help keep up with the beds. Whenever you can, please join in, please help. I promise, its worth it, we have lots of fun. remember, its if you have any interest at all.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

zucchini and squash!

The Nomad Cooperative Garden has come a long way since the clearing process began in late July. The once Jumanji-like piece of land now bears zucchini and squash seeds in preparation for a Fall garden! Saturday was a beautiful sight to see, the garden was brimming with voluntary gardeners of all ages and backgrounds. Digging in dirt and sweating under the hot sun together can be a beautiful communal experience. If you would like to join in email!

Rachel and Chris after a long day of shoveling horse manure into the garden.
What a dedicated gardener. :)